Well Grounded: Cultivating Intimacy with God
By Beth Madison
Well-Grounded: Cultivating Intimacy with God uses ideas from Genesis chapters 1-3 with basic agricultural principles and selected spiritual disciplines for developing a greater intimacy with Creator God by highlighting time spent in Scripture and nature. These questions will increase the reader's appetite for knowing God more in his everyday life through seeing God's goodness in Scripture and the natural world around him. This book is where ideas of plant and soil science, Eden, and the spiritual disciplines abide in a symbiotic relationship leading one to a deeper and daily intimacy with our Good God.
Now available
Author Bio:
Dr. Beth Madison has written and taught Bible studies to church and community groups for over twenty years alongside teaching science and faith at Union University in Jackson, TN. Because of her personal experiences with chronic illness, she serves as a patient advocate on local, state, and national levels to bring awareness and hope to those often overlooked in their daily struggles to thrive. Thankfully, her church lets her work as their librarian so she can try to satisfy her love of good books and sharing them with people.
Product Details:
Publisher: Northeastern Baptist Press (March 8, 2024)
Language: English
212 pages
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-953331-33-5
Dimensions: 5 x 8 inches
$17.99 (paperback)