Scripture's Story: A Unifying Hope
Jared M. August, Mark McGinniss, Kenneth M. Gardoski, Wayne T. Slusser
At the heart of God’s story is the hope that all things lost to man will one day be made new.
The Bible presents a single narrative that begins in Genesis and ends in Revelation. Although the sixty-six books that make up the Bible are undoubtedly diverse, they all testify in unique ways to the working out of God’s redemptive plan.
Scripture’s Story proposes that every book of the Bible testifies of the coming day when God’s promised Offspring will destroy evil, restore creation, and dwell with his people forever. It is this unifying hope that forms the basis of the faith of all believers throughout the ages.
Author Bios:
Jared M. August (PhD, Baptist Bible Seminary) is Associate Professor of New Testament & Greek at Northeastern Baptist College. He has published articles in journals such as Bibliotheca Sacra, Bulletin for Biblical Research, Themelios, and Tyndale Bulletin. Jared and his wife, Allie, live in Arlington, VT with their son, Ransom.
Mark McGinniss (PhD, Baptist Bible Seminary) is Assistant Dean and Professor of Old Testament Literature, Languages, and Exegesis at Baptist Bible Seminary in Clarks Summit, PA. His academic interests include wisdom literature, Biblical Hebrew poetry, and especially the Song of Songs. Mark and his wife Joy have five adult children.
Kenneth M. Gardoski (PhD, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) is Professor of Systematic Theology and Director of Doctoral Programs at Baptist Bible Seminary in Clarks Summit, PA. His areas of academic interest include soteriology, the divine sovereignty and human responsibility tension of Scripture, and First Corinthians. Ken enjoys spending time with his wife Sharon and their adult children
Wayne T. Slusser (PhD, Baptist Bible Seminary) is Dean and Professor of New Testament and Greek at Baptist Bible Seminary in Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania. Dr. Slusser produces a weekly blog, “Greek for a Week,” at www.NTresources.com that offers exegetical insights and strategies to learn, retain or grow one’s knowledge of New Testament Greek. He and his wife, Melissa have two sons, Jack and Nick.
For some time, I have longed to read a book that effectively demonstrates the unifying story of redemption from Genesis to Revelation without damaging the uniqueness of each book of the Bible. My longtime search came to an end when I read the manuscript for the book you now hold in your hand.
— Mark H. Ballard, Founding President, Northeastern Baptist College
Scripture's Story: A Unifying Hope is the best I’ve read for seeing the big picture of the Bible, while grasping the uniqueness of every book. Its unique insights engage the mind, challenge the heart, and give hope for the future.
— Phil Waldrep, Author, Evangelist and Conference Leader, Phil Waldrep Ministries
Scripture’s Story provides a guide for understanding the way each book of the Old and New Testament relates to the entire context of Scripture and, significantly, how every book of the Bible points to Jesus Christ.
— Stephen Rummage, Senior Pastor, Quail Springs Baptist Church, Professor of Preaching and Pastoral Ministry, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
These faithful authors demonstrate the highest regard for God’s Word as they walk the reader through the uniting hope of the biblical text. Any student of Scripture will benefit from the treasures presented in this book.
— Lee E. Brand Jr., Vice President and Dean, Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary, First Vice President, Southern Baptist Convention
The book accomplishes its aim of showing the unity of the storyline of the entire Bible in a way that the average layperson in the local church can understand and greatly benefit.
— Mike Stallard, Director of International Ministries, The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministries
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: The Pentateuch: Introducing Hope
Chapter 2: The Writings: Anticipated Hope
Chapter 3: The Prophets: Reconfirmed Hope
Chapter 4: The Gospels & Acts: Arrival of Hope
Chapter 5: The Letters: Coming Hope
Product Details:
Format: Hardcover w/Dust Jacket & Ebook
Page Count: 212
Size: 6"x9"
Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-953331-02-1
Ebook ISBN: 978-1-953331-06-9
Published: July 15, 2021