Good Ground - Volume 2
Beth Madison
Dr. Beth Madison is a soil scientist and professor at Union University, Jackson, TN. She is also a prolific blogger, Bible teacher, and conference speaker. In the volumes of Good Ground, Dr. Madison examines the Christian life through a unique lens. Just as Jesus' parables used agriculture to communicate spiritual truth, Beth uses soil science to celebrate God's amazing creation and encourage a healthy, growing walk with Jesus. Good Ground 1 and 2 will enhance your daily devotions and small group studies.
Author Bio:
Dr. Beth Madison has written and taught Bible studies to church and community groups for over twenty years alongside teaching science and faith at Union University in Jackson, TN. Because of her personal experiences with chronic illness, she serves as a patient advocate on local, state, and national levels to bring awareness and hope to those often overlooked in their daily struggles to thrive. Thankfully, her church lets her work as their librarian so she can try to satisfy her love of good books and sharing them with people.
Anyone who has read the Bible knows how often the biblical writers talked about soil, seeds, and crops. Jesus himself spoke of vines, wheat, tares, and fields ripe for harvest. So it is a pleasure to recommend Good Ground and its author, Dr. Beth Madison, a soil scientist of the best sort! Readers will find the ground of their souls well-cultivated for growth in Christian discipleship. Dig in!
— C. Ben Mitchell, Ph.D., Graves Professor of Moral Philosophy (retired), School of Theology and Missions, Union University
If you're looking for something new to challenge you to grow closer to Jesus, my good friend Beth Madison's book, Good Ground, is for you! I have been challenged and changed in my daily walk with Christ as I have encountered her simple and yet profound insights. She masterfully weaves together ideas from science and Scripture in ways I'd never thought of for a deeper look at our Creator and world. As a pastor, I wholeheartedly recommend this book as an excellent resource for pastors, teachers, and anyone looking for new examples to illustrate familiar Christian truths to live by. The new ideas in this book bring a fresh light to help me and my church grow closer to Jesus. I know they'll do the same for you.
— Lonnie L. Sanders, Pastor of Discipleship and Church Assimilation, West Jackson Baptist Church, Jackson TN
For as long as I have known Beth Madison, I have felt an attraction to the faithful and loving spirit with which God has imbued her. I don't know how to express it other than to say that she shines with God's love and care for people. I am so happy to say that Beth's gifts translate easily from the person to the page. Many people will benefit from Beth's insights into how we can walk with God and experience joy in the process.
— Hunter Baker, J.D., Ph.D., Dean of Arts and Sciences and Professor of Political Science, Union University
Product Details:
Publisher: Northeastern Baptist Press (January 24, 2023)
Language: English
148 pages
ISBN: 978-1-953331-21-2
Dimensions: 5 x 8 inches