Christianity and American Culture Today: Essays in Honor of Richard D. Land
Edited by Melton B. Winstead
Christianity and American culture are inseparable. As you read this book, you will be informed, equipped, and inspired to a greater understanding of the relevance of biblical Christian faith today. These pages will enlighten you as to the scriptural command and necessity of Christians being involved in the politics of the nation of which they are a part, and educate you as to what the hot-button issues are in ethics and morality in America today. These 15 chapters are filled with timely words by prominent Christian leaders, and cover topics including human sexuality, Christians' role in politics, morality in America, Biblical social justice, and much more.
Author Bio:
Dr. Mel Winstead teaches Biblical Studies at Southern Evangelical Seminary and has pastored the historic Mt. Moriah Baptist Church in Marshville, NC for the past 15 years. He and his wife and two daughters reside in Marshville, NC. In addition to teaching and pastoral duties, Dr. Winstead speaks at apologetics conferences, leads local summer mission trips, and periodically helps with North Carolina Baptist Men's Disaster Relief (recovery and rebuild).
That, simply, is today’s imperative for Christian leaders in the public square. They are charged with the responsibility of affirming our Christian values as well as our national values.
— Janice and Gilbert Crouse
Do Baptists espouse a version of religious liberty that insists on complete unaccountable independence from answering to any external authority at all? Do we defend what might be called religious autonomy? Or do we espouse something more limited, a view of religious liberty that assumes some basic level of common decency sufficient to keep society from trying to avoid chaos at the price of tyranny on one hand, and trying to avoid tyranny at the price of chaos on the other?
— Daniel Heimbach
I say again, Jesus didn’t call us to be the salt of the Sunday School and the light of the church, but the salt of the earth and the light of the world. The “world” means out in the businesses, the classrooms, the halls of government, the school boards, the neighborhoods, and communities—that is where we retard the rot and dispel the darkness. So, we need to understand that the church is not primarily the place of ministry, it is the base of ministry.
— Tony Perkins and Kenyn Cureton
Only redemption in Christ can assuage the wickedness of the human heart. But until that transaction is complete, the onslaught of wickedness was (and is) impeded by the presence of government and law. The appropriate posture for a believer is that of cautious participation. This is observable in the pages of Scripture.
— Paige Patterson
Where another constitutional amendment was once thought necessary, some within the pro-life movement realize that operating within the current legal framework, using science to prove the humanity and personhood of unborn babies may provide a reasonable path toward abolishing abortion in America.
— Sharayah Colter
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: A Christian’s Stewardship Responsibility toward Government
Tony Perkins and Kenyn Cureton
Chapter 2: Christians and Public Policy: Why We Engage
Barrett Duke
Chapter 3: Citizen Christians Revisited
Mark H. Ballard
Chapter 4: Christians’ Involvement in Politics/Government
J. Gerald Harris
Chapter 5: The Impact of Preaching on the American Revolution
Jimmy Draper
Chapter 6: Mammas, Don’t Let Your Babies Grow up to be Ethicists, Unless ...
Mark Coppenger
Chapter 7: Understanding the Difference Between Religious Liberty and Religious Autonomy
Daniel R. Heimbach
Chapter 8: A Stealth Agenda
Michael Brown
Chapter 9: A Life for Life: Dr. Richard Land’s Legacy of Defending Pre-Born Persons
Sharayah Colter
Chapter 10: Christian Leadership in The Public Square
Janice Shaw Crouse and Gilbert L. Crouse
Chapter 11: An Understanding of Evangelical Christian Support for Israel
James Showers and Christopher J. Katulka
Chapter 12: Against the Tide: The Role of Distinctive Identity in the Great Commission
Charles S. (Chuck) Kelley
Chapter 13: A Rudder for a Historian and Ethicist: The Avocation of Evangelist
Paige Patterson
Chapter 14: Social Justice in Light of Scripture
Ronnie W. Rogers
Chapter 15: The Relevance of the Bible to 21st Century American Christianity
Mel Winstead
Product Details:
Publisher: Northeastern Baptist Press (March 28, 2022)
Language: English
Hardback: 420 pages
Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-953331-10-6
Dimensions: 6 x 9 inches