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The Publisher You Can Trust

About Northeastern Baptist Press

There was a day when you could trust certain publishers would not publish a book by an author who compromised the Bible or the Gospel. For many of those publishers, this is no longer the case. NEBP will become the publisher that can be trusted.


Northeastern Baptist Press exists to publish Christian books from a biblical perspective that are consistent with the Baptist Faith and Message 2000, with an unwavering commitment to the inerrancy and sufficiency of the Bible. We seek to inform, inspire, and encourage people to follow Jesus Christ through the publication of both trade and academic books.


We will be the premier conservative evangelical publishing house for trade and academic books related to the topics of biblical studies, theology, and ministry.


Our mission is to develop, publish, and distribute biblically based and doctrinally trusted resources that lead people to know, follow, and serve Jesus Christ.


NEBP only publishes authors who demonstrate a vibrant walk with Jesus, demonstrate an unwavering commitment to the Baptist Faith & Message 2000, the full inerrancy, and sufficiency of the Bible, and demonstrate a commitment to the Gospel as defined in 1 Corinthians 15:3-4, without adding to or subtracting from its biblical definition. 

A letter from the Publisher

Dr. Mark Ballard presents the philosophy behind the creation of Northeastern Baptist Press

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